Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Monday, April 23, 2012

Week 51

My next post you will be 1, how is that even possible? I can't believe how fast this has flown by!

Mommy didn't do very well with taking pictures this week because the week didn't start off too good! Sunday night we have a big storm come through and so you didn't sleep very well through all of the thunder and lightening, neither did Daddy or I. To top it off I was up sick vomiting and stomach pains, they eventually got bad enough to make me pass out so at 7 am Daddy rushed me to Houston to the ER ( I wasn't going to Angleton or LJ, just wasn't happening I'd deal with traffic.) A few hours later after 2 bags of fluid the verdict was I was severely dehydrated, had some sort of bug, and of course once I got there my stomach wasn't hurting anymore, go figure! So Monday night I was feeling much better, went to work Tuesday came home unloaded groceries and threw my hip out! AWESOME! So needless to say I've not been doing much all week, I need this to get fixed because I have a lot to do before your birthday party on the 5th!

Sunday we made up for how boring we were during the week and went to see Grandpa's baby cow & then went to have lunch with Daddy's family so i snapped a few pics!

Hanging out on the mower...NO GRANDPA IT WASN'T RUNNING! SHEESH!

The baby cow.


Going for a walk.
You two getting in trouble.
Swimming with Gunner!